Neurocare Pro Thigh High Boots 512/442
FDA Registered Class II Medical Devices
Neurocare Pro Thigh High 512 boots. Designed for Neuropathy and other pain disorders.
Excellent For:
-Peripheral Neuropathy
-Lymphatic Drainage
-Pre/Post workout/ Athletic recovery
-Full body treatments (when moved around)
-In clinic or home use
Please note: You must operate this with either a 2-Port or 6-Port Controller (sold separately)

Engineering Excellence
Advanced and comfortable recessed SMD Chipsets. Polychromatic- both RED and NIR. Houses 512 diodes (256 Red, 256 NIR)
442 will fit up to a size 9 and 512 will fit up to a size 13 foot.
Largest boot on the market with the most surface coverage maximizing the results.
These boots can lay flat and be used anywhere on the body.
Product Inquiry
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