Phototherapy With LED Shows Promising Results In Healing Chronic Wounds In Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Prospective Randomized Double-Blind Study

Article Summary

This study conducted a prospective randomized double-blind study to investigate the effects of phototherapy with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on chronic diabetic wound healing.

Chronic diabetic wounds pose challenges due to underlying conditions like angiopathy and neuropathy, making conventional treatment options insufficient. The study included 60 patients who were randomly assigned to either the LED group or the control group.

The LED group received LED treatment three times a week for 8 weeks, while the control group received simulated LED light. Evaluation of wound healing using the Falanga wound bed score and wound surface area showed that the LED group had significantly faster wound bed healing compared to the control group.

These findings suggest that LED phototherapy is a promising approach for improving the healing of chronic diabetic wounds and preparing the wound bed for further treatment options.

Read Full Article:   Https://Pubmed.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/29668397/

Our Founder

David Christenson is the Founder and CEO of Neurocare Pro, serving medical practices across North America. As an expert in the field, David has been a contributing author on the subject of PBM light therapy in various health care publications. He speaks nationally and internationally on the many uses of PBM light therapy, highlighting the research studies done in the areas of brain health, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and chronic pain relief.

Helping lead the way to understanding red light therapy

In addition, David regularly consults with health care professionals on Photobiomodulation Advanced Modalities with an emphasis on business development for medical practices.